Friday, January 30, 2015

Brick By Brick

Visit my new site and read this post @ See you there!!!

Why am I doing this? Why do I think I have anything to contribute to your day? Let me tell you.

When Jim and I got married in 2008 I had just graduated with a BFA in Interior Design. It's the only thing I felt I could focus on for the rest of my life. I had switched my major many times. But, when I found this it was an explosion.

I couldn't sleep at night. I discovered a part of my brain that I never knew existed and I was excited to utilize it. Everything looked differently. Everything had new meaning. I immediately, and much to my parent's agony, started attending Harrington College of Design.

Everyone told me not to. I was labeled "finicky" and this was just another step down a path that I was going to lose interest in. I was determined to prove them all wrong. And I did. I graduated, with honors.

Graduating "with honors" from an Art school sounds feudal to most. But it meant a lot to me. I had never done well in school, mostly to an undiagnosed dyslexia diagnosis. School was TORTURE. College sucked and was relentless. Until this.

As soon as I graduated I married my childhood sweetheart. He's the opposite of "artsy" but appreciates my creativity (most of the time). We found a house that I LOVED and I had buckets and buckets of ideas. Then, I got pregnant.

I've always dreamed of being a mom. Above design, it is my most treasured gift.

The day I became a Mom.

Around the same time is when the recession hit us hard. Jim is in construction and, as you all know, that was the hardest hit. However, we were determined.

We were passionate about Emmy staying home with me. This tested my creativity and ingenuity to the core. It taught me the value of a dollar and it taught me how to thrive on very little.  I will always hold onto this and value it deeply.

I want to share what I've learned. I know there are more out there like me. Those that just need a little push to get the ball of creativity rolling. I also know that there are some that are lost when it comes to decor and I feel it's my mission to bring their best out of them. Whatever the budget.

Please hang in there with me while I get this set up. It doesn't look anything close to how I'd like it to. But I am still a Mom and my budget is still tight! Brick by brick, my friends. Brick by brick.

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