Wednesday, January 21, 2015

'Ello Gov'na!

Visit my new site and read this post there.   See you there!!!

Hello, friends! This is my official intro post! I have been a stay at home mom for 5 years now. Next fall our baby will be heading to kindergarten. This sad event has left me pondering the future. I have so much to accomplish and soon will have time to do it! I am looking forward to sharing what goes on in my crazy little mind with you and possibly putting to use my over-priced education.

I will be documenting all of the creative things that go on around our home. Our attic will be a focus as that is the latest in a string of renovations that we are set to complete. I will continue to work on my eBay store and will give updates on that, as well.

I hope to spread my knowledge of thrifty home decor, DIY projects, mild construction techniques, as well as wacky things that I come across. I am excited for this next chapter and can't wait to see you all there!!!


  1. I am very excited to follow you on your journey.

  2. Glad to see you are making your dreams reality! I'm thankful for having you as my dear friend and I will be here to support you in the next chapter's of your life <3

    1. Aww. Thanks, dear friend. I'm really excited!!!!
